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Experimental Fish Chamber for 
University Laboratory & Display

     RAD created this laboratory equipment for a PhD team at the University of Arizona.  
     The client had received a grant to do research involving fish swimming in lanes, for cancer treatment.  The fish needed to be in perfectly pitch black darkness for the experiment.  Then, below the water, there is an electronic array with cameras and computers to take data.  So they needed a custom apparatus to do the experiment in.  The team was creative, joyful, and genki, and wanted cute art on the chamber that showed what was going on inside.

     We did many rounds of design conversation to come up with a solution that met all of the scientific and practical needs of the client while staying in budget to create 2 chambers.  We decided to use HDPE plastic because it is easy to clean, strong, durable, and resistant to fire, electricity, and water. All 5 of the doors needed to seal perfectly to keep the whole space completely light proof.  Also we used a bolt system for connecting the panels that the scientists would be able to undo and reassemble as they need to.  
    Each door operated differently, and we used some burly hinges for the main lift door.  We hung IR lights inside, with heat vents, and fit the team's scientific apparatus inside (the things with wires in clear acrylic), running the electronics so that only 1 power cord comes out.  The whole chamber can be wheeled around easily, all parts of it are accessible, and it is secure.

    We designed the art with the team.  The fish resemble the actual fish they use, and the green stripes signify both the lanes, but also a lake environment.  And the bubbles are just cute.  The whole project was designed in 3d software and then CNC cut, with the art being etched by the CNC.  The art was then filled with resin brightly colored resin.  
    The scientists were very happy with both chambers and were able to successfully conduct their research.  And they are always proud and excited to show their project to visitors!


Finished Experimental Fish Chamber
Cool photo of the fish chamber
Looking inside the experimental apparatus at the fish swimming lanes
Inside the experimental fish chamber, showing IR lights, water pump system, cameras, electronics
Detail of the scientific and technological apparatus inside the laboratory equipment
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